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Pending the final agenda, MAOFP will send the accredited provider in May to get approval of AOA Category 1-A Credits. The number of approved credits will be finalized closer to the conference.

Requirements for Successful Completion

In order to receive credit for successful completion of educational sessions, all attendees must:

  • Attend each session in its entirety
  • Complete electronic session evaluation via the conference platform

Attendees will be able to download their conference transcript via the event platform.


All MAOFP Education Committee members and MAOFP staff participating in planning and content development have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests to disclose.

Presenters who have relationships to disclose will be shared via the presentation handouts and at the beginning of their session. 

2501 Jolly Road, Suite 110 | Okemos, MI 48864

517.253.8037 | fax: 517.220.2969

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