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 Friday, January 17

 TimeGeneral Session TopicsSpeaker        
 7:00 am  Registration Opens  
 7:00-8:00 am  Networking Breakfast  
 8:00-10:00 am

 Spirituality in Medicine: Core Faith Beliefs and Implicit Bias

 Victoria Torgler, DO
 10:00-10:30 am  Break with Exhibitors  
 10:30-11:30 am  Human Trafficking: Clinical Insights and Legal Perspectives  Jodi Flanders, DO, FACOFP &
 Melissa Palepu, JD
 11:30-12:30pm Introduction to Complementary, Naturopathic, and Integrative Medicine Zachary Kadro, ND, MPH
 12:30-1:30 pm

 Product Theater Lunch Sponsored by:

 1:30-2:30 pm Basic Evaluation of Management of Thyroid Disease  Samantha Windle, DO
 2:30-3:00 pm  Break with Exhibitors  
 3:00-4:00 pm

 Introduction to Integrative Oncology

 Zachary Kadro, ND, MPH
 4:00-5:00 pm Making Strides in Asthma  Shelley Schmidt, MD, MS
 5:30-6:30 pm

 Mentor Program Networking Reception

 7:30-9:00 pm Presidents Welcome Reception 

 Saturday, January 18


General Session Topics

 Track  Speaker 
 7:00 am  Registration Opens   
 7:00 am Poster Presentations Set Up  
 7:00-8:00 am

 Networking Breakfast

 8:00-10:00 am Poster Presentations Open General/Student 
 8:00-9:00 am  Don't Stress It: Cardiac Stress Testing Indications and Updates
 Which is the Right Test for My Patient!

 Chad Link, DO

 9:00-10:00 am Check that Rhythm: A Comprehensive Review of the Recent AF   Guidelines General/Student Chad Link, DO
 10:00-10:30 am

 Break with Exhibitors, View Poster Presentations

 10:30-11:30 am  Stress Fractures: Considerations for Athletes  General Todd Shepard, MD
 11:30-12:30 pm Syphilis: An Old Friend That Never Goes Away General Liam Sullivan, DO
 11:30-12:30 pm

 Student Track: You’re a Resident …..Now what? Value-Based Care

 Student Erica Stevens, DO
 12:30-1:30 pm  Product Theater Lunch Sponsored By:
1:30-2:30 pm  Sympathetic Overdrive: OMT For Stress Management and Self   Regulation  General/Student

 Amber Gruber, DO

 2:30-3:00 pm  Break with Exhibitors / View Poster Presentations  General 
 2:45-3:00 pm  Student Track: Poster Awards Presentation  Student 
 3:00-5:00 pm

 Sympathetic Overdrive: Lab &  OMM Workshop


 Amber Gruber, DO &
 Edward Haughn, DO, MA
 Amelia Bueche, DO

 5:30-6:30 pm Mentor Program Networking Reception   
 6:30-8:30 pm MAOFP Winter Festival (Pizza Buffet, Bar Service, Hot Chocolate, and Smores Provided - Tubing available on own with pre-purchase ticket)  Sledding on your own, Hot Chocolate & Smores Provided
 8:30-10:30 pm  Shorts Brewing Social Gathering (Off-Site & Un-Official)  

 Pre-Recorded On-Demand Only Sessions
Epilepsy Update Evan Tank, DO
Repairing the Damage Done by Fad Diets

 Nick Pomante, MS, RD

Rural Health Care Update:  Opportunities to Close the Gap

 Todd Sheperd, DO

Update on the OCC Recertification Process

 Jeremy Fischer DO, FACOFP

Chronic Diarrhea Kerri Bewick, DO

Session Info & Speaker Bios

Chad A Link, DO, FACC, FACOI

Dr. Link received his medical degree from Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan. He completed both his Internal Medicine Residency and Cardiology Fellowship at Ingham Regional Medical Center in Lansing, Michigan. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Nuclear Cardiology and serves as the cardiology chairman for the University of Michigan Health System-Sparrow Eaton and Ionia Hospitals and is a clinical assistant professor for the cardiology course at Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. He specializes in cardiovascular medicine with the University of Michigan Health-Sparrow. Dr. Link’s background includes all aspects of clinical cardiology with specialized interest in the management of coronary artery disease, hyperlipidemia, echocardiography; nuclear cardiology and pulmonary hypertension. Professional memberships include: the American Society of Echocardiography, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.

Don't Stress It-Cardiac Stress Testing Indications and Updates. Which is the Right Test for My Patient?

To provide a comprehensive review of cardiac stress testing and which testing modalities are available.

Check that Rhythm -  A Comprehensive Review of the Recent AF Guidelines

To provide a comprehensive review of the recent guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of patient with atrial fibrillation.

Melissa Palepu

Melissa Palepu is an Attorney Specialist in Human Trafficking and Child Abuse, with the Michigan Department of Attorney General. Melissa previously served as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney with the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office and was the General Counsel for the Wayne County Land Bank. She has over a decade of litigation experience, much of her career spent focusing on the criminal prosecution of crimes against children. She is an alumna of the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, where she earned her undergraduate degree in Political Science and History. She then received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. In her current role with the Michigan Department of Attorney General, Melissa leads the charge in Human Trafficking and Child Abuse prosecutions. She is the Chair of the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission and also sits as a member of the Mid-Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, the Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human Trafficking Advisory Committee, and on the Human Trafficking of Children Protocol Revision Committee. Melissa also sits as the Attorney General Designee for the Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council and for the Board of the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan. Melissa is also a proud member of Shorewood Kiwanis, American Inn of Courts and sits on the Board of her local elementary school Parent Teacher Organization.

Human Trafficking

She will provide general information related to human trafficking including victim identification, prevalence of trafficking nationwide and in Michigan, steps to take if suspect trafficking, where trafficking may occur and who may be a victim etc.

Amber Gruber, DO 

Dr. Gruber has board certified in FM/NMM and has worked as faculty at the Corewell Health Family Medicine Residency program since 2010. She has completed training Integrative Medicine and Regenerative Medicine, serving as the Faculty Liaison for the Integrative Medicine track residents. She has taught for several years at a national level in topics like Exercise Prescription, OMT treatment after injury, OMT in systemic disease, Stress Management, OMT in oncology patients, and Autonomic Imbalance. She recently opened her own private OMT clinic and continues to run the Osteopathic curriculum for the Family Medicine Residents. It is one of her personal goals to continue to keep OMT alive in the primary care setting.

Sympathetic Overdrive: OMT for Stress Management and Self-Regulation Techniques

Stress can often present as several somatic complaints. We see it all too often in primary care, and within ourselves as busy clinicians. This lecture addresses the importance of the Gut-Brain Axis and the concept of "sympathetic overdrive", which we will review how to clinically identify using anatomic access points. We will review different breathing techniques and mindful meditation resources to help reset and rebalance. This course and lab is for any provider - DO/MD/NP/PA - I welcome all learners to understand this very important topic.

Sympathetic Overdrive: Lab

Lab: Offer OMT treatment approaches for self and patients who suffer with sympathetic overdrive Diaphragm, linea alba, rib release

Jodi Flanders, DO, FACOFP 

Dr. Flanders is a graduate of MSUCOM, serving internship at Traverse City Osteopathic Hospital and residency at Detroit Osteopathic Hospital. After 30 years in private practice she transitioned to international medicine, serving in Iquitos, Peru. She currently serves as member of the Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force, Interim Medical Director at the Institute for Global Health at MSU COM, Medical Director for Sanctum House, a residential recovery center for survivors of human trafficking and addiction.

Human Trafficking, Update and Cases

This Lara qualifying presentation will review human trafficking types and venues in the United States, as well as strategy for recognition, trauma informed interview, referral sources, and current cases in Michigan.

Nicholas Pomante, MS, RD

Nick Pomante is a Registered Dietitian with a Master's degree in Human Nutrition. Nick began his career as a private practice nutrition counselor, working one-on-one with patients, before moving into corporate wellness where he designed health programs and services for individuals across the lifespan. He now serves as the Clinical Coordinator for the Dietetics program at Eastern Michigan University where he works with dietitians around the country to design quality educational experiences for future practitioners.

Repairing the Damage Done by Fad Diets

Fad diets promote unhealthful behaviors under the disguise of wellness and often the promise of weight loss. When these fad diets don’t produce the promised results it deteriorates the public’s belief in the power of health, nutrition and their own self-efficacy. As health professionals we have a duty to dispel the myths purported by fad diets and help our patients implement approaches that produce sustainable wellbeing. During this presentation audience members will gain a better understanding of fad diets, how they impact our patients' health and what physicians can do to help their patients achieve wellbeing through a “healthy” relationship with food.

Liam R. Sullivan, DO

Dr. Sullivan graduated from MSU COM in 2007. He went on to IM residency at MetroHealth Hospital & Infectious disease fellowship at Cleveland Clinic and has been practicing adult ID physician at Corewell Health Grand Rapids since 2012. Special interests include antimicrobial stewardship and infections in bone marrow transplant/hematologic malignancy patients

Syphilis: An Old Friend That Never Goes Away

Discuss & review the recent resurgence of syphilis, including markedly increased rates of congenital syphilis.

Victoria Torgler, DO

Dr. Torgler is a Family Medicine Physician practicing with Trinity Health in Rochester Hills, Michigan. She is also Clinical Faculty at MSU-COM. She is passionate about helping her patients and students reach their full potential.

Spirituality in Medicine: Core Faith Beliefs and Implicit Bias in Healthcare

The goal of this lecture is to enable participants to write out their own core faith beliefs while answering the two following questions: How does your patient’s faith affect their health and wellness? How does your own faith affect how you treat patients?

Todd M. Sheperd, MD

Todd M. Sheperd MD, CAQSM Bayside Family & Sports Medicine P.C. Program Director, McLaren Northern Michigan Rural Training Program Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School Residency: Eau Claire Family Medicine (U of W) Fellowship: Primary Care Sports Medicine, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, Southfield, MI. Fellowship (Faculty Development: Family Medicine), Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Family Medicine. Charleston, SC.

Stress Fractures: Considerations for Athletes

Stress fractures are commonly seen in the athletic population and may have significant impact on participation and performance in sports. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential in the management of fractures. In addition to efforts to prevent stress fractures are important considerations as well.

Kerri Bewick, DO

Kerri Bewick, DO, is a board-certified internal medicine and gastroenterology physician who proudly services her patients at G.I. Medicine Associates, P.C. in St. Clair Shores and Macomb, Michigan. Dr. Bewick received her Doctor of Osteopathy from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing, Michigan. She completed her medical training in internal medicine and a fellowship in gastroenterology at Beaumont Hospital in Farmington Hills, Michigan. She is a national board member of the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine, representing gastroenterology and clinical faculty at Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Bewick practices at Ascension St. John Hospital in Detroit, Michigan and at Eastside Endoscopy Center in St. Clair Shores and Macomb Township in Michigan.

Chronic Diarrhea

Chronic diarrhea is considered the alteration of stool consistency from the norm with loose stools and increased stool frequency of greater than three stools daily for at least four weeks duration. It can be caused by a wide range of issues. In this session, we will explore the different causes as well as evaluation and treatment of chronic diarrhea.

Samantha Windle, DO

Samantha Windle, DO gaduated from Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2014, and completed by Family Medicine Residency at Munson Medical Center. Upon graduation, she was hired on as core faculty with the Munson Family Medicine Residency Program where she practice full spectrum Family Medicine and oversee Resident and Medical Student education. She is Board Certified in Family Medicine/OMT board certified through AOBFP, in Family Medicine through ABFM, and recently in Obesity medicine through ABOM.

Basic Evaluation and Management of Thyroid Disease

This session provides a foundational overview of thyroid disorders, focusing on the initial evaluation and management of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Learners will gain practical skills for interpreting thyroid function tests, initiating treatment, and identifying common presentations of these conditions. Additionally, participants will develop an awareness of other disease states that may influence thyroid values, enhancing their ability to approach thyroid disorders with a comprehensive clinical perspective.

Edward W Haughn

Graduated MSU COM 1987 Board Certified Family Medicine specially trained sports medicine and OMM Have taught residents an medical students throughout my career have been a clinical professor for MSU COM, MSU CHM and Homer Stryker School of Medicine / WMU Have run OMM workshops for Osteopsthic residency program WMed and MAOFP

OMM Workship

Refresh and refine OMM techniques for effective and efficient treatment of patients in hospital and clinic settings with focus on balancing of the autonomic nervous system.

Shelley Lynn Schmidt, MD, MS

Shelley L. Schmidt, MD, MS is a pulmonary and critical care subspecialist at Corewell Health West and clinical assistant professor at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. She is the Director of their nationally recognized Pulmonary Fibrosis Care Center and a public health advocate to protect our citizens from nicotine addiction and the vaping epidemic.

Making Strides in Asthma & Ask the Expert Q&A

New GINA guidelines for asthma were released in 2024 with important updates on rescue, controller medications along with recent advances in biologic therapy have significantly shifted the landscape in asthma care for the benefits of our patients.

Zachary Omar Kadro, MD, MPH

Dr. Zachary Kadro is a naturopathic physician, research scientist, and public health professional. Dr. Kadro sees patients at Corewell Health in Southeast Michigan and in private practice through Emcura Integrative Medicine. Dr. Kadro's clinical focus is integrative oncology, and he also sees patients with a wide variety of general health concerns. Dr. Kadro holds a Bachelor in General Studies from the University of Michigan, a Master of Public Health from the University of North Carolina, and a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. After graduating from his doctoral program, Dr. Kadro completed a two-year hospital-based residency in naturopathic oncology at Goshen Center for Cancer Care in Goshen Indiana, and then a three-year postdoctoral research fellowship in integrative medicine at the University of North Carolina. Dr. Kadro then became the first naturopathic physician appointed as a staff scientist at Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle where he also worked as a staff naturopathic physician seeing patients in the integrative oncology clinic. Dr. Kadro has co-authored numerous scientific manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, abstracts, and articles in the field of integrative medicine, with a focus on integrative oncology. As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Kadro encourages the body's self-healing processes using nutrition, mind-body medicine, natural therapies, and lifestyle changes, drawing on both traditional healing modalities and modern medical science.

Introduction to Complementary, Naturopathic, and Integrative Medicine

This session will introduce learners to the basic principles of an integrative approach to disease management and health promotion. Additionally, we will cover the principles of naturopathic medicine and how it can be used alongside conventional medicine. Finally, we will explore indications and contraindications for acupuncture, yoga, massage, cranial sacral therapy, and biofeedback.

Jeremy Fischer, DO, FACOFP

Dr. Fischer has been program director of family medicine at Henry Ford Macomb since 2008. He practices in Clinton Township Michigan and is site director at Henry Ford Macomb for the Michigan State University COM base students. Dr. Fischer also serves as a member of the osteopathic recognition committee for ACGME and received the ACOFP's master preceptor award in 2022. In his free time he enjoys cooking, cycling, and weight lifting.

Update on the OCC Recertification Process

This session will discuss the requirements for maintenance of certification for AOBFP. Participants will understand the 4 components of OCC for osteopathic family medicine. They will understand the longitudinal assessment that has replaced the high stakes examination. Participants will learn their options for maintaining the OMT component of their certification.

Amelia Bueche, DO

Amelia L. Bueche, D.O. is a specialist in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, nurturing health and empowering patients to realize their amazing inherent capacity. Dr. Bueche founded This Osteopathic Life to expand the understanding and application of osteopathic philosophy beyond the clinical setting, ultimately serving as guiding principles for a cultural revolution grounded in love and humanity. Dr Bueche is a leader of coaches and a coach of leaders, serving as Chair of Coaching for IGNITE Med and is the founder of Coaching For Institutions - Bringing Health to Medicine. She specializes in design and facilitation of coaching programs for physicians at all stages of education, training and practice, helping them unleash their inner potential to develop immunity to burnout and find success in any situation.

OMM Workshop

Refresh and refine OMM techniques for effective and efficient treatment of patients in hospital and clinic settings with focus on balancing of the autonomic nervous system.

Evan Tank, DO

Evan Tank, DO is the Medical Director of continuous EEG services at Corewell Health West. He did his undergraduate studies at MSU and graduated medical school from MSUCOM. He completed his neurology residency at Garden City Hospital and Epilepsy Fellowship at the University of Michigan.

Epilepsy Update

This session is designed to provide an update regarding recent guidelines and advances in the diagnosis and treatment of seizures and epilepsy as those issues pertain to Primary Care.


Erica Stevens, DO

Erica Stevens, DO is a  Family Physician. Graduate of MSU-COM 97' Currently she is the Vice President of Primary Care for Corewell Health West. She oversees > 700 providers, 80+ clinics, that covers 14 counties. Her passion is primary care and making change beneficial for all.

You are a resident ...now what? Value Based Care

You are a resident ...now what? Value Based Care This session is to give a resident view to the world of Value based care, what it is, why, risk based contracting, up-side and down-side risk. What to be learning as a resident and what to look for when interviewing for a position.

2501 Jolly Road, Suite 110 | Okemos, MI 48864

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